Agreement for the hire of Llantrisant Guildhall for the provision of Weddings and Events


This Agreement is made between Llantrisant Guildhall and the Signatories of this agreement


Terms of Agreement


“Guildhall” means Llantrisant Guildhall. (registered Charity number 1166059)

“Venue Hire Agreement” means this signed acknowledgement and acceptance of the Terms of Agreement in addition to details, dates and times of the proposed activities at the Venue for which Llantrisant Guildhall’s permission is sought and to which Llantrisant Guildhall has agreed to.

“Wedding Manager” means the employee or contractor designated to manage/supervise the Event on behalf of Llantrisant Guildhall.

  1. Booking Procedure

1.1. No booking will be deemed confirmed until Guildhall has received:

1.1.1. A signed confirmation that indicates that the client has acknowledged and accepted these Terms of Agreement.

1.1.2. Payment of a non-refundable deposit (£500 for ceremony/ceremony & drinks reception with or without afternoon tea only bookings, or £1,000 for full wedding receptions) payable to Zoë Binning Ltd. on behalf of Llantrisant Guildhall

1.2. A further payment of 50% of outstanding balance is due six months prior to the Event payable directly to Llantrisant Guildhall.

1.3. The balance of all fees is due one calendar month prior to the Event, payable directly to Llantrisant Guildhall.

1.4. If a booking is made less than one calendar month prior to the Event date; then all fees will be due immediately upon booking.

1.5. We ask for all events to be paid in full one month before your event. When your event is in 14 days or less and payment has not been made, Guildhall reserves the right to increase the hire charge by 5% to cover late administration costs.

1.6. Provisional bookings may be made and will be held for a period of two weeks only.  Should another client wish to book for the same date(s), the holder of the provisional booking may be informed and asked to provide the deposit and written confirmation within 72 hours, otherwise the venue will be re-let.

  1. Venue Access

2.1. The Client, its employees and sub-contractors will be permitted to enter the Property for the purpose of making operational or spatial planning investigations necessary for the smooth running of the event, on dates and times agreed in advance with Guildhall.

2.2. All areas or rooms within the Venue to which the Client has been granted access, including agreed access times (from 10am on the date of the wedding for set-up, unless otherwise agreed in advance with the venue team).

2.3. The Client must arrive (earliest – one hour before the ceremony or at agreed event start time) and vacate by 12.30am. Failure to adhere to the agreed times may incur additional charges. In the event of unauthorised overrunning (after initial verbal warning from Wedding Manager) the Venue withholds the right to interrupt the Event, cut the power supply and exclude hire and third parties from the Venue with or without the assistance of security. If this occurs Guildhall will charge additional fees to the Client accordingly.

2.4. Use of the room(s) detailed on the Venue Hire Agreement does not imply any right to use any other part of the building, for deliveries, storage or any other access except where Guildhall has agreed to such use. If this occurs Guildhall will charge additional fees to the Client accordingly.

  1. Equipment, Setup & Staff

3.1. No equipment is to be delivered to the Venue without the prior agreement of Guildhall. Guildhall reserves the right to refuse the delivery of equipment.

3.2. All venue dressing throughout the venue and grounds must be approved in advance by Guildhall to avoid damage to the Venue.

3.3. The Client must ensure that any wooden structures brought onto the premises are Class 1 and that all drapes and soft settings and props are fireproofed. Guildhall reserves the right to refuse the use of any equipment or props.

3.4. Artefacts including but not limited to flip-flops bought in for guests’ use, drones, fireworks, helium filled & air-filled balloons, glitter guns, confetti guns and string guns are not permitted in or outside the building. Paper confetti is not permitted however natural petal confetti may be used. If this occurs Guildhall will charge additional fees to the Client accordingly.

3.5. Hand held fireworks, tea-lights and other naked flames are not permitted in the Venue.

3.6. At all times the safety of all personnel in the Venue is paramount. Other people working in the Venue (i.e. caterers, Guildhall staff etc.) must not be hindered in any way during the setting up and striking down of equipment.

3.7. At the end of an Event, or at a time agreed by Guildhall, the Client shall remove all equipment and effects brought to the Venue. Guildhall does not accept any responsibility for equipment or other effects left at the Venue before or after an Event.

3.8. The Venue must be clear of all the Client’s property and in a clean and useable condition by the time stated on the Venue Hire Agreement. Failure to comply with this may result in Guildhall disposing of the property and charging the Client for expenses incurred.

3.9. All contractors must leave the site in the same condition as they found it, otherwise this will incur a cleaning cost of up to £500.

3.10. No staging or PA Sound contractors are permitted access to the venue unless they have been approved and/or vetted by Guildhall, they have been briefed on the venue and its restrictions, have provided proof of PAT testing and the appropriate fees paid.

3.11. The Client agrees to use the equipment belonging to the Venue in a safe manner and return it in good working order. Where equipment is damaged charges will be made to Client.

3.12. Use of any non-Guildhall Event staff is subject to Guildhall discretion and vetting. Reasonable expenses incurred will be charged to the client.

3.13. The number of staff provided for an Event will be determined by Guildhall and their sub contractors to ensure the smooth running of the Event.

3.14. The Wedding Manager will undertake a Final Details meeting with The Client four to six weeks in advance of the event date.  An Event Function Sheet will be created and provided to The Client as a result of this meeting.  Final guest numbers and required amendments must be noted in writing, initialled and returned to the Wedding Manager 14 working days prior to the event.  Any additional guest meals and drinks packages will be required to be paid for in full at this point, ahead of the wedding day.

3.14.1. The Client must also provide a complete list of suppliers accessing the site including names, contact details and a description of their service to the Wedding Manager as part of the Function Sheet.  Refreshments for Suppliers should be arranged separately with the caterers by The Client.

3.15. It is the responsibility of The Client to provide to the Wedding Manager a table plan detailing guest names, numbers, dietary requirements, wheelchair and high chair users 48 hours prior to the event.  Any decoration to be set up by the venue team must also be provided separately boxed by table with all name plates secured in the correct order.

  1. The Event

4.1. The times of the Event are set out in the Venue Hire Agreement. Bar service must finish 30 minutes prior to the end of the hire period.

4.2. The Client will not invite or permit more than the agreed number of Guests to attend the Event.

4.3. The Client must supply to Guildhall at least 24 hours in advance of the commencement of the Event a list of anticipated Guests in such cases where Guildhall has specifically requested this information.

4.4. Guildhall, its representatives, employees or agents reserve the right to: a) refuse entry to any persons who are in the opinion of Guildhall posing a safety or security risk at or in the vicinity of the Property during, immediately prior to or immediately following the Event; and b) request proof of invitation or identification from each or any Guest, without which entry to the Property may be refused.

4.5. Children are not permitted inside or outside the Venue unaccompanied and are the responsibility of accompanying adults at all times.

4.6. No animals are permitted in or outside the Venue with the exception of guide dogs and assistance dogs, unless the Wedding Manager agrees otherwise.

4.7. The Client will ensure that all Guests leave the Venue quietly and that no disturbance is caused to local residents or business; and that all Guests leave the Venue no later than 30 minutes after the scheduled end of the Event.

  1. Food and Beverages

5.1. The sale and/or supply of alcohol is the sole right of Guildhall or its contractors unless by prior agreement. No alcohol of whatever description or associated beverages may be brought onto the premises at any time or for any purpose except where the Venue Hire Agreement stipulates otherwise.

5.2. The Client is not permitted to bring their own alcohol onto the premises without prior agreement with the Wedding Manager.  All alcohol is to be supplied by the Guildhall or our catering partners. The use of your own bar is not permitted.

5.3. The Client is not permitted to bring their own food onto the premises. All catering is to be provided by our own catering partners, unless they are not in a position to meet the client’s specific dietary requirements. Under such circumstances, an external caterer may be permitted at Guildhall’s discretion once the method of service and preparation of food have been assessed and caterers have completed the relevant paperwork, including signing a Catering Agreement. An additional £500 fee will also be incurred.

5.4. The number of people for whom catering is to be provided shall be set out in the Venue Hire Agreement. Guildhall and its contractors will endeavour to accommodate any requests for amendment to this number. Amendments may incur a fee and Guildhall and its contractors reserve the right to refuse any such amendments.

  1. Right of Entry & Good Order

6.1. The right of entry to all parts of the Venue is reserved at all times to Guildhall and its officials and employees and any other persons authorised by it.

6.2. The Client shall be responsible that good order is kept in the Venue and Guildhall reserves the right to terminate any Event not properly conducted.

6.3. The assessment of the conduct of an Event rests with the Wedding Manager and they have full authority to act on behalf of Guildhall.

6.4. The Client and their Guests must refrain from any behaviour, which would bring the Venue into disrepute or cause discomfort/risk to others.

6.5. The Client has an obligation to tell all Guests about these terms and conditions and ensure they comply with them. Each Guest must individually agree to comply with the terms and conditions. The Venue will enforce the terms and conditions against Guests individually where relevant.

  1. Event Amendments

7.1. Any changes to the times of the Event must be agreed in advance with the Wedding Manager. Extensions to hire times incur additional charges. No variation in times will be permitted once an Event has started.

7.2. Guildhall and their contractors reserve the right to substitute food and/or drink products specified in the Venue Hire Agreement with similar products. Where possible Guildhall will make reasonable endeavours to inform the Client of any such changes.

7.3. Guildhall reserves the right to refuse any request to increase party size; if this results in a cancellation, the below cancellation policy still applies.

7.4. Any additional services requested by the Client will incur relevant fees.

7.5. Any additional services provided by Guildhall with consultation of the Client on the grounds of Health & Safety and Security will be charged to the Client.

7.6. Guildhall reserves the right to use their preferred suppliers or contractors for any services.

  1. Purpose of The Event

8.1. The Client must fully and fairly represent the purpose for which the Venue is required. Any misrepresentation may result in cancellation of the Event at any time by Guildhall. Under no circumstances may the Client sub-let or further offer for hire any of the Venue booked.

8.2. Planned sponsorship of the Event must be fully disclosed prior to booking and will be allowed only with full agreement by Guildhall and as stipulated in the Venue Hire Agreement.

  1. Cancellations by the Client

9.1. Guildhall will endeavour to re-let a cancelled date and, if successful, may refund sums additional to those determined below.

9.2. In the event of a full or partial cancellation of a confirmed booking by the Client all monies paid to Guildhall will be forfeit to Guildhall in respect of the booking, will be charged to the Client.

9.3. If a confirmed booking is postponed, transfer of the deposit against cancellation fees may be agreed at the sole discretion of Guildhall.

9.4. Cancellations received 6 months or more prior to the Event, will result in the loss of the deposit.

9.5. Cancellations made between six months and two months in advance of the event, will be liable for 70% of the agreed fees

9.6. Cancellations made less than two months in advance of the event will be liable for 100% of the agreed fees.

9.7. This cancellation policy refers to venue hire only and does not account for any cancellation charges incurred from other suppliers or services except in the circumstances that the client has booked an all-inclusive package.

  1. Cancellations by the Venue

10.1. Guildhall properly and reasonably reserves the right to cancel or terminate wholly or in part any booking at any time and for any reason.

10.2. Force majeure: If, due to an event beyond its control, Guildhall is (in its opinion) unable wholly or substantially to perform its obligations to a Client, the Venue will promptly notify the Client accordingly and will refund any relevant deposit and/or other pre-payment paid to it in respect of the Booking, to the Client.

10.3. This cancellation policy refers to venue hire only and does not account for any cancellation charges incurred from other suppliers or services except in the circumstances that the client has booked an all-inclusive package.

  1. Cancellations due to Pandemics/Epidemics/Government Directives or Restrictions

11.1. If a pandemic, epidemic or government directive, prevents Guildhall from honouring the event date, Guildhall will attempt to offer a postponement within a 12 month period at no additional cost to the Client. If a suitable date cannot be agreed and the event needs to be cancelled, Guildhall will retain an administration fee of £200.  All other monies paid to the venue will be refunded once the date of the contracted wedding booking date has passed.

  1. Client’s Responsibility

12.1. The Client will be held responsible and liable and must indemnify Guildhall in respect of any damage, theft and loss caused to the Venue and its contents by the Client, its employees, its contactors or by any other person on the premises by reason of the purposes of the Event howsoever and by whomsoever caused. The Client’s responsibility does not extend to employees of Guildhall or to contractors appointed by Guildhall to assist at the Event.

  1. Liability and Indemnity

13.1. To the fullest extent permitted by law Guildhall shall not be liable for: Any loss or damage to property of the Client or their Guests. Any inconvenience or loss caused to any party as a result of cancellation or termination under section 9. The Venue does not exclude or limit its liability for death or personal injury caused due to its negligence.

13.2. Appropriate insurance cover should be obtained by the Client to indemnify the Venue against claims, which may be made against it in respect of loss, or damage that the Venue may suffer as a result of an act, default or negligence in whole or in part by the Client. Such insurance should also cover the risk of bodily injury or death to the Client, Guests, their servants, contractors, agents or licensees and members of the group or any third parties. This excludes any such loss, damage, injury, or death as may be caused by the act, default or negligence of Guildhall.

13.3. If insurance is deemed necessary, the Client will provide to Guildhall on request full details of any insurance obtained.

13.4. The Client and their Guests are responsible for any wilful or negligent loss and/or damage to Venue furniture and equipment. Any costs of making good any damage will be charged to the Client.

13.5. Any costs incurred by Guildhall due to failure by the Client to adhere to the Terms and Conditions of Venue Hire – including but not limited to: overrunning of the event, requirement for extra staff, requirement for security personnel, requirement of additional cutlery, crockery, glassware, furniture etc – will be charged to the clients.

13.6. All furniture and equipment including cutlery, crockery, and glassware has been inventoried and may not be transferred between rooms/areas without prior agreement by the Wedding Manager.

13.7. Rules, regulations, technical advice or other requests reasonable made during the running of an event by Wedding Manager or Venue staff should be adhered to.

  1. Sustainability

14.1 Guildhall is a sustainable venue and as such does not permit the use of single use plastic, including balloons (helium or air-filled), flip-flops for guests’ use and non-recycled or non-recyclable food packaging such as polystyrene containers, plastic straws, stirrers or napkins.  We make every effort to act as sustainably as possible in all areas of our operation and require all clients to do the same where practical.  We are currently working on our sustainability policy and it will be available on the website once completed.

  1. Disabilities

15.1. Guildhall is committed to assisting people with disabilities according to their needs.  It is the responsibility of the client to inform Guildhall of any known requirements on behalf of guests ahead of the event.  Please see our Access Statement for further information.

  1. Parking & Transportation

16.1. There is disabled car parking only available onsite. Vehicles parked on the grounds are at the owners’ risk at all times and must be removed at the end of the Event.

16.2. The client is responsible for ensuring that all of their guests have pre-arranged transport for the end of the evening as local taxi services are limited.  Local taxi and coach contact details are available from the Wedding Manager in advance of the event date.


This Agreement is confirmation that the parties agree to the Terms & Conditions issued by Llantrisant Guildhall.